Sunday, August 7, 2011

Jason's Party!

Our friend Jason was having a party at his parent's house while they were out of town and Thumbknuckle was supposed to play. Our bass player Pat, got called to work that night at the last minute, so Kyle, Philip and I decided to go ahead and work up a set to play and I would play bass. We were going to learn a few songs, but wound up only learning Sex Bomb by Flipper. Philip brought his four track.

For some reason, William started out playing guitar while Kyle talked/shouted into the mic Then Tracy joined in to do vocals for the best part of the set William wanted to tune before we played, so I intentionally started turning the tuning keys on the guitar at random and de-tuned the bass right before we started playing Later on, Kyle got the guitar back and William sang Then Tracy finished up our set, singing on the cover You can hear Jason ask us to stop at the end of the tape.

We played for several hours after that, but it didn't get recorded. I remember this Steve Vai wannabe showed up to play scales on a Big Amp and Sweet Ibanez Guitar while I sang about people in the room in a Steve Ignorant voice.

We kept going until the string on The Bass broke. I never paid Pat for that string.

Sorry Pat.

Jason wound up getting kicked out of his house right after that because someone spilled kool-aid all over the carpet.

Sorry Jason.
